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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Songs I listen to when I feel anxious.

Revelation song
You are for me
In Christ Alone
Feels like redemption
In Christ Alone
I smile
Kirk Franklin-Hello fear
Kirk Franklin I smile
Kirk Franklin Imagine me
Kirk Franklin Before I die
Kirk Franklin Declaration (This is it)

Mary Mary Go Get It
Really any Mary Mary and Kirk Franklin. I love them both
Chris Tomlin- How great is our God
Mighty to save

Anxiety Eliminating Scriptures....

-I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Philippians 4:13
-Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God And the peace of  God , which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:6
-I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the lord Jeremiah 30:17
-Listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart for they are life to those who find them and health to a mans whole body. Therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Feeling overloaded today. I feel that I am being misunderstood and judged on a constant. I feel hurt and angry by what people say and the way people treat me! It feels as though I always have to be the one to forgive first, apologize, when I feel I have done nothing wrong, turn the other cheek etc....when most of the time, they either deny their part, aren't held responsibly for their actions, they act as if nothing ever happened, or ask for forgiveness, but never change their actions. I think it's also crazy how when I finally get sick and tired of being treated a certain way and I confront them about it they act as if they have no idea what I am talking about or they get angry, because I confronted them about it and act like I overly dramatize things. But the thing is, they are not the ones being hurt by their words or actions, so for them, it is easy to get over, but if the shoe were on the other foot I think they would feel the same way. Now, am I sometimes overly sensitive? Yes. Do I sometimes misunderatand people? Yes. But is it always me misinterpreting everything? No. I feel if it's not my anxiety, it's this person, or that person. And it's not like I can just completely just remove these people from my life, or I would have done it already. And I can't change anyone, but myself. So....Err! That leads me back to me having to do the right thing, which is forgive. So I will do what I know to do when I can't do things within myself, and that is, go to God in prayer.

God, I need you! I need your help in this situation. First, I need your peace. You know, what I face. You know my struggles. You know my hurts. Can you please heal my wounds and help me to forgive those who hurt me. Help me to always do what is right even when what is right isn't being done to me. Lord, can you teach me to forgive quickly and to love deeply. I want to be like you! If anyone else, that is reading this and is overwhelmed or carries a heavy burden, Lord, I ask you to lift and carry that burden for them today. Let them know you are near and let them feel your comforting peaceful presence in Jesus name, Amen.

Food for thought:

In Galations 6:9 it says, so let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I have a group on Facebook.

I haven't written on here in so long, because I have a group on Facebook now. Please come and join. The address is... Talk to you guys there.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Today was such a great day!!!

Today was so Great! I actually felt like a normal person! My mother and I went to two stores. I actually stayed int the stores and was only a tiny bit anxious, but it didn't last the whole time. And we even went to a restaurant and ate. I stayed in the whole time and didn't panic. I had to share this! I have to thank God for giving the strength. And I have to thank All the people who have been so supportive of me lately. I know that it has helped to give me confidence. Thank you!

Monday, June 11, 2012

When Criticism comes....

In a earlier blog post I wrote how when having anxiety people have certain expectations of you and where you should be. Well, everyday I read a daily devotional and these two devotionals really helped.

June 9th
                     Do What God Expects
Thus says the Lord of host: Do not listen to the word of  the (false) prophets who prophesy to you. They teach you vanity and fill you with vain hopes; they speak a vision of their own minds and not from the mouth of the Lord. Jeremiah 23:16

Don't let the people around you determine your values  or behavior patterns. It seems that everyone expects something a little different but one thing  for sure is that all these people expect us to keep them happy and give them what they want.
Many times the expectations people put on us and we accept are unrealistic. If you want to have confidence, you must stop trying to be "superwoman" Realize you have limitations and that you cannot keep all the people happy all the time.

This is one of the amazing traits we see in Jesus. He was the same all the time. He changed people they did not change Him

When unhappy people are unsuccessful in making you unhappy they begin to respect and admire you. They see that your Christianity is something real. Even people who seek to control you will disrespect you if you allow them to  have power over you. I encourage you to be your own person. Do what God expects you to do and don't live under tyranny of other people's expectations

  Lord, I can't possibly fulfill everyone else's expectations and demands. Help me to clearly see Your values and live according to them. Keep me free from others who want control. Amen.

June 11th

         When Criticism Comes

But it matters very little to me that I should be put on trial by you and that you or any other human tribunal should investigate and question and cross question me. I do not even put myself on trial and judge myself... it is the Lord who examines and judges me. 1 Corinthians 4: 3-4

No matter what you do in life you will be criticized by someone. so you must learn to cope with it and not let it bother you. Criticism is very difficult for most of us, and a person's self image can be damaged at all by criticism. Every great manor woman has had  to learn how to cope with criticism. we must know our won hearts and not allow others to judge us.

The apostle Paul experienced criticism about many things. People love you when you are doing everything they want you to do and are quick to criticize when just one little thing goes wrong. Paul said that he was not in the least bit concerned about the judgments of others. He said that he did not even judge himself he knew he was in God's hands. and that he would stand before God and give an account of himself and his life. We should only be concerned with  God's judgment not others'.

Prayer: Lord, when criticism comes, help me to remember that You are my only true judge. Rather than let it harm me, I  bring it to you and  it in your hands. Amen....

It says in the bible in Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Things I can use to grow from having anxiety...

-To be more compassionate, patient and loving towards people, even when I may not understand them or what they are going through.
-To lean and trust in God
-Just because I have to rely on someone doesn't mean I am weak.
-That I need to be more confident and less critical of myself.
-To take one day at a time.
- To celebrate every accomplishment whether it be big or small.
-Look for the good in everything
-To not let others opinions of me or where I am make me feel as if I or what I am doing isn't good enough. If you are doing the best you can, that's what matters.
-That I am stronger than I thought I was
-That I should praise God even now in my troubles. Because he is with  me helping me along and will get me through